Hey, Do You Have Some Time?

Adding to Your Schedule

As I work on following my own advice, I’m learning how to better balance my schedule. Face it though, some days/weeks/months seem to be complete write-offs. Try and give yourself (and I’ll try and give myself) a break. We need constructive times where things get done, but we also need down times for processing, recouping, and rejuvenating.

First, I find setting a schedule a good place to start. Keep it simple to begin with, just the ‘must do’ items. After a few priority items are completed, then schedule in some down time and stick to it. That means, please give yourself this time and refrain from doing the next scheduled item ahead of time. This probably means you need to take yourself, physically and mentally, to a place that allows you to relax. Play a game of Solitaire or do some adult coloring, read or listen to a book–whatever works for you. Recreation or a nap, only please.

Wrap up your day with a time of reflection. Keeping a pen and paper by your bed gives you opportunities for capturing those important ideas/moments that tend to come to the front of our minds when we are relaxed and our guard is down.

When you accomplish your schedule successfully for a few days, now you can up the ante and contemplate adding to it. Be kind to yourself and just add one or two things only. The idea here is to find that good tension–the fine balance of getting ‘must do’ items completed along with fulfilling down times. After each period of rest or fun times, you should notice that as you begin your next ‘must do’ item, it’s with a bounce in your step, a fresh idea, and renewed energy. (As long as you eat healthy and get a minimum of six hours of sleep).

Do you have some fast and hard rules that work for you? Maybe some relaxed steps instead. Please share them so we can all benefit from your experiences.